Welcome to Solar Research Institute (SRI)

About Us

The Solar Research Institute (SRI) as Center of Excellence aims to pragmatically enhance research activities and provide expert advisory services through training, consultancy, and commercialization of solar energy systems, which can be used in the development and operation of UiTM Solar Power Plant Station in Gambang, Pahang (50MW LSSPV Gambang) and Pasir Gudang (25MW LSSPV). 

Our Service

A university beyond the walls, an institution without limits.


SRI carries out constructive research and studies on a variety of topics, including grid, energy management, and solar photovoltaics.


SRI aspire to pioneer cutting-edge solar research, encourage market acceptance, and advocate for environmentally friendly policies. 


Our training courses release latent abilities and provide participants with state-of-the-art competencies necessary for energy management and solar (PV) systems.

Our Collaborator

Our partners come from various sectors of including businesses, academic institutions, government agency and ministry.

Our Expertise

We apply our expertise, our processes, to the network.
Prof. Ir. Dr. Nofri Yenita Dahlan
Areas of Expertise: Electrical Power Engineering  Power System  Electricity Industry and Market  Renewable Energy Energy Economics and Policy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azlin Mohd Azmi

Areas of Expertise : Advancement of Knowledge  Natural Sciences and Engineering  Other Natural Science and Engineering N.E.C.  Other Natural Science and Engineering N.E.C.

Ts. Dr. Siti Zaliha Mohammad Noor

Areas of Expertise : Engineering Tech  Engineering and Technology  Electrical and Electronic Engineering  Power Electronics

Ir. Dr. Nurfadzilah Ahmad
Areas of Expertise : Nanotechnology Solar Cell  Graphene  Dye Sensitized Solar Cell  Energy Resilience
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zuhaila Mat Yasin

Areas of Expertise : Engineering Tech  Engineering and Technology  Electrical and Electronic Engineering  Power System

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